Pokemon Sapphire Cheats Gameshark

Pokemon Sapphire Cheats Gameshark 7,0/10 6051 reviews

Try this code, its really good but I'm not sure it walks throughalmost anything in the game, it's an emulator cheat so I haven'ttried it on GBACode is game shark - CE2CCCB25D8D815D-How can i disable it???? I've already deleted it and it stillsworking, i don't like it any more, please help me!!!!-Try leaving the game for awhile, basically turning it off thengoing back in. I used a code to encounter a chimcho and they keptappearing even after I took the code off. Frustrated I turned theemulator off and then went back the next day prepared to complainbut the code was off.IF that does not work then, you are in my words, fraked. This isa code for an emulator and if you have that then it should work,using it on a actual game can be dangerous.

Codes for Sapphire ONLY!!! All shiny pokemon codes: 8636B1D6 CA4AB2A9 18452A7D DDE55BCC Master Code: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 8365F8FA817CF3E9 Articuno: 9F9A431719. These codes are Codebreaker, so make sure you are selecting Codebreaker as the cheat type.-Master Code: 1003A82A 0007 (THIS MUST BE ON FOR WILD Pokemon CHEATS) Pokemon Code: 83007D22 0xxx (replace 'xxx' with the numbers/letters listed below)-XVI. 1st Gen Pokemon ID Code-Gen 1 Pokemon: Bulbasaur 001 Ivysaur 002 Venusaur 003 Charmander.

Codes like this canREALLY screw up your game.

First, make sure you have the mach bike (swap in mauville city if needed). Fly to pacifidlog, then surf to the right a short distance till you see the opening in the rocks on top. Go into them, turn right and go forward at the next opening to reach the sky pillar.

I recommend having a fast pokemon at the front of your party to run, as having all of your pokemon to rack up turns will be needed. The sky pillar is filled with lvl 40+ ghost pokemon. Go up the stairs on the other side and there will be cracks in the ground. In order to get to the top, you will need good handling with the mach bike because the cracks make up little puzzles. At the second crack ground area, once you get to the end there will be one crack, two cracks in the center, and one crack on the end. STOP ON ONE OF THE CENTER CRACKS! You will fall down and enter the stairway.

Once you go through the hallways, you will get to the top and see Rayquaza coiled up in the center. Rayquaza is LVL. 70 and knows Outrage, rest, fly, and extreme speed. Have lots of timer balls and ultra balls and Hopefully have Kyogre.

IT IS SUGGESTED YOU PARALYZE IT. Your 1st Gym leader you will take on is Roxannein Rustboro City and her Pokemon are lv.

14Geodude and lv. If you take hertribe on with Grass or Water type Pokemon thebattle will be so easy.Your 2nd Gym leader you will take on is Brawly inDewford Town and his Pokemon are lv. 17 Machopand lv. If you bring a good flyingor psychic pokemon you will zip through thebattle, but you will need Flash to get to Brawly.Your 3rd Gym leader you will battle is Wattson inMauville City and his Pokemon are lv. 22Magnemite, lv. 20 Voltorb and lv. 23 Magneton.Get a ground type Pokemon and just count yourselfworthy of Dynamo Badge.Your 4th Gym leader is Flannery in Lavaridge Townand her pokemon are 2x lv.

26 Slugma and a lv.28. Put out her Fire Type with Ground,Rock, and/or a water to beat her lineup.Your 5th Gym leader is your own dad, Norman, inPetalburg City and his Pokemon are 2x Slaking onlv. 31 and a Vigoroth on lv. 30.Knock out your dad's Pokemon with a good fightingPokemon.Your 6th Gym leader is Winona in Fortree City andher Pokemon are lv. 31 Swellow, lv. 30 Pelipper,lv. 32 Skarmory and lv.33 Altaria.

Demolish herPokemon with an electric, ice and/or a rock, butuse ice on Altaria because of its Earthquake.Your 7th Gym leader is in Mossdeep and this timethere are two Gym leaders,Liza and Tate, andtheir Pokemon are Lv. 42 Solrock and Lunatone.Defeat her Pokemon with either a dark or watertype Pokemon.You Last Gym Battle is in Sootopolis and the gymleader is Wallace and her Pokemon are lv. 40luvdisc, lv. 40 Sealeo, Lv. 42 Whiscash, lv.

42Seaking, and lv. Stomp by herPokemon with either grass or electric.You next challenge is the Elite Four In EverGrande City.

That you find out yourself. To get Jirachi, you need Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire,a GBA/Gamecube link cable, and Pokemon ColleseumBonus Disc. You can download Jirachi onto theGBA game. It's a Steel/Psychic type and you getit at level 5. It says it's original trainer isWshmkr, but you don't actually trade for it. Itcan help against Brawly because it will knowConfusion.

It will eventually learn Doom Desire,a powerful Steel attack that hits 2 turns laterand isn't affected by types. Mine is at level 64and knows Psychic, Doom Desire, Hidden Power,and Shock Wave. Once you reach Mauville City, there is abuilding called Rydel's Cycles. Go inside andtalk to Rydel. Once he learns that you havewalked from Littleroot Town to Mauville City, hewill give you a bike to ride. There are twobikes that you can have - the Mach Bike and theAcro Bike. The Mach Bike can go fast, but hasvery bad handling.

It is used for riding upsandy slopes and for speeding past crumblingfloors in some caves. The Acro Bike is the oneyou can do tricks on. It does not go as fast asthe Mach Bike, but has very good handling.

Youcan hold B while riding to do wheelies, or stopand hold B to do little bunny hops. You can alsotap B + D-pad in any direction to take littlejumps. This bike is used for getting acrossnarrow, white rails that span some rivers. First, try using Kyamome or a Water/Grassstarter.

Then, try Water/Fire starter Grass atlevel 20 to 25. Finally, try Sandshrew with lotsof Ground attack.If you chose Torchick as your first Pokemon, youwill soon find out that the first Gym Leaderwill be difficult without the proper Pokemon.When you reach the first beach area (next to theforest entrance), try to catch a Wingull. Thenwhile in the forest, spend some time to level itup and your Torchick.

Get the Wingull to atleast level 10, and the Combuskin to about level16 to 18. You can now take out the threeGeodudes the Leader has with the Wingull's Water-Gun, and use the Combuskin as backup. When going after the legendary representing theteam of your game (Team Aqua or Team Magma),bring about 30 Ultra Balls, quite a few Revives,and at least a level 50 Pokemon. The Pokemonwill be at level 45, and will be extremelydifficult to catch.

The only sure way to catchit is if you bring a Pokemon with a move thatwill freeze or paralyze it. Try as hard as youcan not to kill it, but get it down to a redzone so far down that you can barely see it.Then, go mad throwing Ultra Balls at it.

Do notuse other Pokeballs. The will help greatlyagainst the Elite Four and the final Gym leader. After catching Groudon, it should know FireBlast, Slash, and Earthquake. Do the side questwhere you have to go to New Mauvile and getThunderbolt. Teach Thunderbolt to it, making itforget Slash. Then, go to the Safari Zone andget Solarbeam.

Make it forget the move that isnot Earthquake, Fire Blast and Thunderbolt, andteach it Solarbeam. Your Groudon now knows fourof the most powerful moves in the game and theyare all of different types.

Get it up to level70 and it will almost never lose. Whatever the experience points needed for thePokemon you left in the Daycare Center to reachthe next level, is how many steps you need totake when walking around. For example, if yourPikachu was on level 3 when you left him at theDaycare Center and he needs 57 experience pointsto reach level 4, you must take 57 steps for himto reach that level.To make your Pokemon levels up faster, go to theDaycare Center and drop off a Pokemon. Gooutside and walk forwards then backwards (orvice versa).Put your Pokemon in the Daycare Center and leaveit. Go down and to the left.

There should be aline of trees. Go directly up against the treesand get on your bike (Acro recommended, as it isthe fastest). Ride all the way to the left asfar as you can go.

Keep going back and forth asfar as possible and eventually your Pokemon willgain levels fairly quickly. This is also usefulif you want eggs.Note: If you leave your Pokemon in the DaycareCenter for too long, it will not evolve into itsnext form (if it has one). In Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter yourPokemon into a contest for a chance to win amedal.

Zoo tycoon download. However if you enter without any Poroklevel ups, you will have a very low chance ofwinning. The way to raise this is to go out andfind the trees with berries on them, then pressA. You will then receive 1 to 4 berries. If younow go to a Pokemon House, you will see smallgray machines on the right.

The empty one on thetop is for multi-player. For now, find a housein a city that only has a man at the bottom. Goto the other side of the machine and press A.You will then be asked to pick a Porok (berry)and throw it in. The spinner will come down andstart moving. Sun saathiya audio song.

The objective is to press A justwhen the spinner hits your arrow:Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster)Circle: Near hit (slightly faster)X: Miss (slower:The faster you (and your opponent) get thespinner moving, the better. Once the meter atthe top hits the end, it is over and the resultsand the fastest RPM the spinner was moving willappear. You will then receive a Blended Porok.The level of it depends on how fast you got themachine going. The average appears to be 11.Next, open your Special Items Pocket and go toyour 'Pez dispenser' type item (which you musthave to play the game - it is obtained from thegirl in the first contest house). You will thenpick a Blended Porok and feed it to a pet,making one of his Pokemon Contest stats(viewable in the Poke-Navi) go up. Some can evenraise multiple stats. The more you do this, thebetter chance you have of winning.

When you go on the Abandoned Ship and end uptalking to a man who needs a Scanner, find aroom with water in it. Have a Pokemon that knowsDive and can use it with you. Dive at the end ofthe pool, and come back up slightly away. Youwill be in a room with six doors. In each willbe a key to the next room.

It will shine on theground, but it may just be a shiny piece oftrash. The key is in door two. Go back and talkto the man again. He will say to deliver it toCaptain Stern for him, and that he wants tofurther explore the ship.

Fly back to Slateportand go into the ferry ride. Captain Stern isthere. Talk to him and he will offer a trade forthe Scanner; the Deepseascale, and theDeepseatooth. The Deepseascale raises theSpecial Defense of a Clamperl, and theDeepseatooth raises its Special Attack.