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Last 20 referers: Whatever the need, the Mac recording software you choose to invest in is important. You'll want the best screen capture or screen recording software for your Mac to ensure that it meets your needs. If you're a Mac user, you may wonder what your options are when it comes to recording software for Macs. The answer is: there are plenty of options!

Item.86132Stephen MagladryI recently installed Acrobat Reader 9.0 to see if I could get printingworking through There has been a rather sizely problem that hascome about because of that; will not open any PDF files!I tried trashing just the Reader app and that didn't do enough to fixthe problem. I then tried to uninstall all vestiges of Acrobat andReader from the /library and the /library folders. Still no dice.Additionally I tried to use the System Preferences Default app and makesure pdf's point to preview, which they do. Still not working.Now pdf's 'open' with Preview, but no windows display. Any suggestions? Item.86540Ken WardSometime around 10.4 an annoyance crept in.

I used to love the convenience of cycling through running aps by using Command-Tab (forward) and Command-`(backward). These key combinations worked despite the fact that I use an ISO Spanish layout, so backwards was actually Command.

Item.86604MacInTouch ReaderRe:I am using Office for Mac 2004 on a PowerPC G4 with Mac OSX 10.4.11.Generally everything working well.I have saved a number of Excelfiles into a folder on the desktop. After completing my project I movedthe folder with all the Excel files and placed them into an ExcelProjects folder within the Documents folder.When I try to open thefiles in the Documents area they will not open.

I get a window messageas follows.' File Name XX could not be found. Check the spellingof the file name and verify that the file location is correct'(endof message)Once the files are returned to the Desktop they openfine. I also tried Open without a problem. I also tried Save As a filefrom the Desktop to save into the Document folder and the file could notbe saved.'

I too have the same problem with Excel 2004 on a late 2007 MacBookrunning 10.5.5. It is not a problem on a PPC iMac G5 with Excel 2004running 10.4.11 or a Mac mini Intel running 10.4.11.I have many work files organized by folder topics within folder topicsin my documents folder.I can do a search for a known file name and then I am unable to open ituntil I drag it to the desktop. It seems that nested folders andMicrosoft shortsightedness are the problem.I had Office 2008 for a while but dumped it (literally into recycling)because Excel 2008 did the same thing with file paths and Word 2008could not do a simple save without crashing after all the tediousMicrosoft Office 2008 updates which only made it worse.So now, I use Office 2004 apps until I have a problem and then useeither NeoOffice or Pages '08 to finish the job. Item.86654MacInTouch ReaderOn my keyboard, when I press Command+Tab, it brings up the running appsand cycles forward. If I press Cmd+Shift+Tab, it brings up the runningapps and cycles backwards.If I press Cmd-Tab, and then release Tab (while still holding Cmd),thenpress Tab again, it cycles forward one at a time, and if I press `(while just holding Cmd) it cycles backward one app at a time (no needto hold Shift).For some reason, just pressing Command+` doesn't do anything.Then again, my keyboard is an Apple Adjustable Keyboard hooked up with aGriffin iMate ADB to USB adaptor, so YMMV! Item.90654Charles JenkinsI recently experienced an issue where the fan was just going crazy on mywhite MacBook when all I was doing was reading a page on the web.

WithActivity Monitor, I discovered that the problem wasn't Firefox as Iexpected: Instead, Finder was burning the CPU up doing who knows what. SoI closed a Finder window that had been open. Soon, the CPU cooled and thefan quieted down. I rebooted and opened the Finder window onto the samedirectory it had been showing before, and after a few minutes the fan wentcrazy again. Again, when I closed the window, the activity stopped and fanspeed returned to normal. After some experimentation I found that it is acertain PDF file I have that will drive Finder crazy whenever I open aFinder window to a directory which contains it!

I believe that Finder's'Generate Preview' option can sometimes run out of control as it tries tointerpret certain files in order to create the preview icon. (Perhaps myPDF file is malformed and the PDF preview generation routine just can'thandle it.). Item.90703Stephen HartCharles Jenkins wrote:'I believe that Finder's 'Generate Preview' option can sometimes run out of control as it tries to interpret certain files in order to create the preview icon.' I've seen the Finder work hard and slow down trying to generate a preview of a large image or video file on my iDisk.

Pdfs can contain large image files, so this particular file may not be malformed, it may just contain a large image. Remember that the Finder can display the whole pdf in preview, page by page. Item.91146MacInTouch ReaderPerhaps someone can help me. I am having a problem with my finder in OS Xv. 10.4.1 on an older emac. It appears that my finder keeps rebooting thedesktop goes blank then returns. During this period if have a folder openwhen this occurs it collapses and I have to re-open it when the finderreturns.

If I am in another program when this occurs for example Word Imust click on the document I have open to return from the finder. I havespoken with Apple tech support and they are unable to help me stating thatI need a 10.4.1 start-up disk in order to fix it, of course they do nothave one. Can someone out there help with this problem; it is veryfrustrating. Item.91171Colleen ThompsonFor MacInTouch Reader whose Finder keeps relaunching: you don't say howoften it happens, but you should definitely fix it. Here are some thingsto try:Look in your System Preferences.

Do you have Stuffit AVR? If so, turn itoff.Check your directory: restart the computer; when you hear the chime,hold down Command and S together, and keep holding them till you see ablack screen with white text, at which point you can let go. When itstops spewing white text, type this:fsck -yfthen press the Return key. The Mac will then attempt to repair the diskdirectory, and tell you at the end if the disk is apparently OK or if itrepaired anything.

If it says it modified anything, repeat the fscksequence. If it reports it cannot fix the problem, find professionalhelp.

If it says it fixed it or if it reports the disk is apparently OK,type this: 'reboot -n' followed by the Return key.There are any number of causes for a Finder crash so these suggestionsare not by any means definitive.If you do manage to fix the problem, you should let Software Update runso you can get up to 10.4.11 (unless your reported 10.4.1 was a typo for10.4.11.). Item.91249A KalebergFinder crashes are a good reason for having at least one other admin user on your system. (You can easily create one with System Preferences). If the Finder, or some other application, fails and you can't get far enough to debug it, you can just log in as this user and see if things work or not. If the application does work, then the problem is related to your profile or preferences.

If the application doesn't, then you have a much more serious problem. It is usually the former case, so it is worth doing the test.You want this other user to be an administrative user so it has enough power for you to fix things in your working account. I've been caught with my Finder preferences damaged, and having a spare admin user around has proven most helpful. Item.101738Peter DaveyBack in about 1995, I came across a document, maybe 100 pages pdf, thatdescribed a future Mac Finder interface, it was a truly fascinatingdocument and the nerd that I am would love to get my hands on it again! Icannot remember what the document was entitled, but it was post copland Ibet, pre Mac OS X, it did not resemble any of the NeXt UI. The one memoryI have is a grey dock like bar along the right hand side of the screen andI specifically remember it being called a shelf.Have you ever seen such a document?

Item.109858Arko ChakrabartyHi, I've been having an infuriating problem with both Mac OS X 10.5 and Mac OS X 10.6 where with the same drive, using the Finder's find feature to find by file name, they both will not find files that I can see right in front of me in a folder. Item.109872Stu MacKenzieSounds like Arko Chakrabarty has a bad Spotlight database; this would explain why both Houdahspot and Spotlight aren't producing valid results (Houdahspot is simply a custom front end for presenting Spotlight data). Trashing the old database should do the trick. Three methods:1) Open Terminal when logged in as an admin; enter the following commnds, one at a time, pressing Return after each command.sudo mdutil -i on /sudo rm -rf /.Spotlight.sudo mdutil -E /2) Launch System Preferences; select the Spotlight pref pane; click the Privacy tab; drag your hard drive icon onto the list; quit System Preferences. Re-launch System Preferences Spotlight Privacy; select the hard drive in the list and click the minus button; quit System Preferences.3) Download and run from Apple.On a modern Mac (Core2Duo cpu) the new index should build fairly quickly; if it drags on for hours, a system restart usually fixes things up.

Item.109895Matt NeuburgRe:Interestingly, I have tried the third-party utility 'Houdahspot', running exactly the same search, and it too is 'blind' to exactly the same files as the Finder.Because they are both using the same search technology - Spotlight. So if one doesn't work, the other won't work.My thought is this: If you have turned off Spotlight search for a particular folder or volume of your computer, nothing inside it is visible in a search. Check your Spotlight Privacy preferences.

You might try removing.everything. from the Spotlight Privacy list and see if your searches start to succeed. Item.109896Gregory TetraultArko Chakrabarty said:'Hi, I've been having an infuriating problem with both Mac OS X 10.5 and Mac OS X 10.6 where with the same drive, using the Finder's find feature to find by file name, they both will not find files that I can see right in front of me in a folder.' Your Spotlight index file (metadata store) is damaged. The Finder and Houdahspot both use Spotlight. If you have a utility such as TinkerTool System, you can use it to delete the metadata store.

After Spotlight reindexes your drive, the files will be 'findable' again. If you don't have such a utility, you can use the Apple-recommended method:1.

From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.2. Click Spotlight.3. Click the Privacy tab.4. Drag a folder or even an entire volume (your hard drive) to the list.5. Remove the item or volume you just added.Spotlight will re-index the contents of the item you initially dragged to the list.There are free third party tools such as EasyFind that search for files without using Spotlight. When searching for files by name (and not by content), EasyFind often is faster than Spotlight.

EasyFind also offers more sorting options (name, created date, modified date, size, and pathname) than Spotlight. Item.109908Dave Negveskyto Arko Chakrabarty re 'Can't find files'A couple of possibilities come to mind:1) You may be trying to search in a place where Spotlight does notnormally search.What is the precise path to the folder containingthe mp3 files?You can add other search locations/criteria with the'+' button.2) There may be hidden characters in the file name.I'm not in frontof a Mac right now but I believe an ls -lq (in a Terminal window) on thedirectory will show any hidden characters in the directory/file names.

Opena Terminal window, typels -lqfollowed by a space,then drag the folder icon into the Terminal window and hit.3) Spotlight may not be correctly indexing your.mp3 filesDoesSpotlight find other mp3 files? Item.109928Doug EldredJust a couple of thoughts on the 'can't find a few files' problem.(1) Are you sure the folder isn't the Spotlight's 'don't search here' list?(2) If you know how to use Terminal, nagivate to the folder and use ls to verify that there's nothing funny about the names. Another idea would be to do 'Get Info' on the file, and make sure it doesn't have anything obvious there - a leading period (apparently not, from the query), multiple extensions, etc.Just a shot or two in the dark.

Item.109930Frederick WaltzI don't have the answer to Arko Chakrabarty's problem of invisible files,but I have an annoying little problem that might be similar: When I do a'Secure Empty Trash.' It always says that there are exactly nine morefiles to be deleted than I have put into the Trash. When I have one filein the Trash, it deletes 10. When I have 2 files in the Trash, it deletes11.

But I don't think they actually get deleted. This hashappened every time, for more than a year, and the files never go away.How can I get rid of these invisible files, and stop wasting time when Ido a 'Secure Empty Trash.' Item.109940Arko ChakrabartyHi, many, many thanks to those who wrote in with suggestions for my problem. To those who asked if I had rebuilt the Spotlight index, or gave methods about how to do it, I had tried this previously, mainly by dragging my hard drive to the privacy pane of Spotlight preferences, and then removing it, but unfortunately it hadn't made a difference. I tried running the Automator action that Stu MacKenzie suggested, but unfortunately this didn't work either.

Thanks to all the people who suggested EasyFind or FindAnyFile though, because through the home page of FindAnyFile's author, I found a link to another program called just 'Find File', which I really like and has fit my needs really well! (btw, all three of the above programs have managed to find my MP3 files which Houdahspot and the Finder wouldn't).Lastly, I tried Dave Negvesky's suggestion of running 'ls -lq' in Terminal, and it turned up something really interesting.

In one of the folders in which Spotlight wasn't recognising my MP3s, all the MP3s it couldn't find had an 'owner' (I think) of 'nobody' as opposed to 'arkochakrabarty'. However, some MP3s in a different folder also had an owner of 'nobody', and Spotlight was able to find those, so I guess I don't know what this indicates, as I know virtually nothing about Unix permissions! But many, many thanks to those who had written in with some help, and if anybody knows about this Unix permissions business, that'd be great too! Item.109980Arko ChakrabartyI forgot to mention this before, but in response to Brad Riendeau's question, I have tried searching the internal drive with another computer in Firewire target disk mode - I've tried with a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard, thinking that it might just have been a bug with Leopard on the eMac, but unfortunately (although I haven't tried it very recently) the same results occurred. And in response to David Dunham's question, I just reset Spotlight by dragging the internal HD to the privacy pane of Spotlight preferences, and then removing it again with the '-' button. Item.109875MacInTouch ReaderHi, using OS 10.5.8 with folders that were made in OS 10.4, JPGs and otherfiles in those folders will not update their icon with a preview, and justshow a generic icon. The icon of the folder itself is fine.If I create a new folder and drag the files in, the JPG icons displaypreviews.

I've tried changing the attributes of older folders withPathFinder and deleting old.DSStore files, but nothing I try will fixold folders. Does anyone have a solution besides creating lots of newfolders? Item.110059John BaltutisMacInTouch Reader wrote:Using OS 10.5.8 with folders that were made in OS 10.4, JPGs and other files in those folders will not update their icon with a preview, and just show a generic icon. The icon of the folder itself is fine.If I create a new folder and drag the files in, the JPG icons display previews. I've tried changing the attributes of older folders with PathFinder and deleting old.DSStore files, but nothing I try will fix old folders. Does anyone have a solution besides creating lots of new folders?Hosed LaunchServices database is most likely the issue.

Rebuild it with this one-line Terminal command:/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user. Item.110109MacInTouch ReaderMacInTouch Reader wrote:'Using OS 10.5.8 with folders that were made in OS 10.4, JPGs and other files in those folders will not update their icon with a preview, and just show a generic icon. The icon of the folder itself is fine.If I create a new folder and drag the files in, the JPG icons display previews. I've tried changing the attributes of older folders with PathFinder and deleting old.DSStore files, but nothing I try will fix old folders. Does anyone have a solution besides creating lots of new folders?' To which, John Baltutis replied:'Hosed LaunchServices database is most likely the issue.'

Which is a very plausible cause for the problem. But just in case this hasn't been tried, there's another simpler explanation as well.

Perhaps the MacInTouch Reader should open the problematic folder, then press Command-J (or choose 'Show View Options' from the 'View' menu) and make sure the box next to 'Show icon preview' is checked. He can then click the 'Use as Defaults' button at the bottom of the window to ensure this preference will be the default for all new folders created.Sometimes it's the simplest solutions that are overlooked. Item.110251Arko ChakrabartyHi, I have found a solution to the problem I wrote in about about a week ago (about Spotlight not being able to find certain MP3 files), and just thought other readers may be interested to know it. The problem turned out to be that the MP3s which weren't showing up had an owner of 'nobody', rather than my short user name, which is 'arkochakrabarty'. A friend told me about a terminal command to run which would change the owner of all files in a directory to 'arkochakrabarty'; the command wassudo chown -R arkochakrabarty.After I ran this, the missing MP3s showed up in Spotlight search results!Also, just as an aside, I ran into another potential glitch with Spotlight, which, if not known about, could cause you problems, but I think it only applies to Leopard, not Snow Leopard. What it is, is that if you've pressed the 'file name' button in search windows, and you then type in an extension in the search field to search by (such as '.docx'), Spotlight won't return you files that have a punctuation character (like quote or bracket) before the full stop/period of the extension. The only way to find those files by extension in this case is to actually choose 'name' as a criteria from the pop-up menu, then instead of choosing 'matches', choose 'contains', then type in the file name extension, and it should find files with a punctuation character as the last character before the extension (such as 'document (test).docx').However, this problem only seems to exist in Leopard, not Snow Leopard (tested on 10.5.8 and 10.6.2), so if you're still running Leopard, it could be worth knowing!

Item.110399Bruce YoungWhile I have no desire to move my OS back to OS 8 and 9 days, I do agreewith the sentiment that the Classic OS 9 Find File was far more usefulthan our current Spotlight and its related Find by Name for file namesearching.For that matter, Panther's (10.3.x) Finder Find file by file name workedwell.I have a love/hate situation with Spotlight.It's great when I useits file content indexing to find something that I know contains certaintopic words, when I don't know the file name. Very good at that.But Spotlight is a mess when it comes to just finding files by filename. It skips folders and unless you force it into the details Find byname, all items are mixed together.Besides the fact that once I look at one of its results, it instantlyupdates the Unix Touch/access date, and so moves that item to the top ofthe Spotlight list, even if it was modified years ago. This'feature' is a disaster in my opinion - I would rather have the list inLast Saved/Updated sequence, not Last Touched.So I use DevonTechnologies EasyFind for cases where I really want tofind by file name.

It looks everywhere, including folders whichSpotlight intentionally skips. It's not as fast, but that is result ofOS, not EasyFind I think.And it is a free tool from the Devon folks.(The other tool I plan to try, but have not yet, is HoudahSpot.

I havehopes for it, but no experience yet.). Item.110461Benoit EvansKen Heins wrote:I tried Houdah Spot.

Different from Spotlight, but all of the recent finders seem to share the same characteristic.They assume that you want an exotic find, rather than a simple one. They assume that you want to spend a minute setting up all sorts of intricate conditions to exclude this, find that, etc.HoudahSpot allows you to create customized search templates to search for what you want, where you want and how you want. Once you have made some templates too suit your usual needs, there is no more time wasted doing set ups every time you do a search. Item.110467Robert FusfeldFor the reader who asked for for spotlight.First, check out the free EasyFind (it is at the bottom of the page).For more robust searching using an index, Devonthink at the same location is outstanding. I have used it for several years and it is wonderful. It has very robust boolean searches, including proximity searches.

The office pro version with built in OCR is outstanding for use with my extensive (5k documents) library of pdf files. They have very responsive support.

I have been a beta tester for a while and the product is great. By the way, I pay for my copies of the program so I am just a satisfied user. Item.110468Robert FusfeldFor the reader who asked for a spotlight alternative.First, check out the free EasyFindis at thebottom of the page).For more robust searching using an index, Devonthink at the samelocation is outstanding. I have used it for several years and it iswonderful.

It has very robust boolean searches, including proximitysearches. The office pro version with built in OCR is outstanding foruse with my extensive (5k documents) library of pdf files. They havevery responsive support. I have been a beta tester for a while and theproduct is great. By the way, I pay for my copies of the program so I amjust a satisfied user.

Item.110484Gary McCurdyI use Foxtrot Professional Search (FoxTrot Pro) exclusively. (There is also a Personal Search version that I used to use, several years ago. I don't remember why I upgraded to the Pro version.) I'm very pleased with it. It seems to be very flexible on what you can have it index.

I do not know whether it updates its index immediately on the creation of a document. I know it updates at a specified time each wee hours in the a.m. (I can designate daily or a particular day of the week, and at almost any time of day), which makes me conclude it's a once-a-day indexer, but I don't know that for certain. I can have it start the search while I'm typing, or have it wait until I have entered my search terms. It allows wildcards, excluded words, quoted strings, proximity searches, and Boolean operator searches. Its features are more sophisticated than I use, but it's very intuitive. And it's very fast, at least on Pro machines.

Item.110509Christian LiljestrandArko Chakrabarty is correct that both Find Any File and EasyFind use a feature of Apple's File Manager API called.It's interesting (and to some) that something so 'old' can be so useful.:-) Let's hope that Apple sees fit to keep Carbon or Carbon-equivalent functions around for a long time.Now, with the way things have been going, it seems that Apple wants us to forget about files and folders altogether. Perhaps this is why they have removed easy (non-third-party) access to FSCatalogSearch and its ilk.Having cut my teeth on Mac OS (not Mac OS X), and despite my increasingly more complex life, I still prefer knowing where everything (well, not ) is, and having easy access to it. Item.110545Christopher BI am so frustrated with Spotlight.

Back in OS 10.4, it seemed to beperfect. Search results were categorized nicely in the search window, noweverything is just jumbled together. (yes, I can sort by type).Anda lot of times, Spotlight's quick search (Command-Spacebar), which I useto find/launch apps is less than useful. For example, a few minutes ago Iwanted to open DVD Player. I pressed Command-Spacebar, entered 'DVD' andwhat is the Top Hit? MyDVDEdit, which I haven't used in maybe 10 months (Iused DVD player several times this week). The 3 Apps listed in the Appcategory are 'MyDVDEdit', another DVD utility I haven't used in months,and an AppleScript (with DVD in the name) that I haven't used in maybe ayear or more.

I have to enter 'DVD P' for DVD Player to show up. Samething with RealPlayer Downloader - which I have used several times in thepast few weeks. 'Real' won't list it (RealPlayer is the top hit, eventhough I haven't used it in months), I have to enter 'RealP'.And Spotlight defaults to searching by content, when 90% of the time Ireally just want to search by file name.Every time I use Spotlight, I have a feeling of frustration. Item.110557Stephen HartWhile Spotlight does have some quirks, it works pretty much 100% of thetime for me.The menu bar Spotlight gets app names as the top hitusually on two characters, and I never see the app I want buried under alist of similarly named items. So to open an app it's control spacebar (mysetting), two characters and return. If I want to see the top hit in theFinder instead of opening it, that's one more keystroke: command return(or command click) instead of return.It's true the Spotlight in Finder windows defaults to content searching.But it's one mouse click to restrict the search to Filename. Contentsearching is also very useful on occasion, as is searching with multiplecriteria.

Item.110566Matt NeuburgRe:This hint describes how to modify Tiger's Finder's Find globally to find things. Likewise, this is the Leopard variant. Finally, neither of these work in Snow Leopard, basically crippling the search function.Actually, Snow Leopard's Spotlight interface is so good that it makes that whole trick unnecessary. Just save a smart folder (which is really just a form of pre-set search) where:Spotlight items - are includedSystem files - are includedName - matches - dummyNow to run a search, control click on your smart folder (I call it SearchAll and I keep it in my sidebar) and choose Show Search Criteria.

Then change the last criterion to what you're.really. looking for, e.g. Contents - contains - brilliant.:). Item.110579Brad O'ConnorFor Christopher B:Here's a tip for getting Spotlight to not search by content when accessing Spotlight from the menu bar. If you're looking for something based on its name, you can do a search like this:name:whateverit'scalledNote that there are no spaces on either side of the colon.

That's critical. And there are plenty of variations you can do which are similar. For example, if you're looking for image files with 'dog' in the name, a search like this will work:name:dog kind:imageYou could also use kind:jpeg if you want. (Why 'jpg' doesn't work but 'jpeg' does, I have no idea.)There are lots of other file types that can be used in place of image: PDF, Word, Excel, pretty much any application name, mail (for e-mail messages), music (for audio files), mp3 for only that type of music file, and many others.If you look in the built-in Mac Help system, there's a helpful entry on using Boolean and metadata search queries to narrow results. There are more that work than are listed, but some Web searching and/or experimentation will probably yield all the ones you might want to utilize. Item.110617John BaltutisMatt Neuburg wrote regarding my note:' describes how to modify Tiger's Finder's Find globally tofind things.

Likewise,is the Leopard variant. Finally, neither of these work in SnowLeopard, basically crippling the search function.'

Actually, Snow Leopard's Spotlight interface is so good that it makesthat whole trick unnecessary. Just save a smart folder (which isreally just a form of pre-set search) where:Spotlight items - areincludedSystem files - are includedName - matches - dummyNowto run a search, control click on your smart folder (I call itSearchAll and I keep it in my sidebar) and choose Show SearchCriteria. Then change the last criterion to what you're.really.looking for, e.g. Contents - contains - brilliant.:)The response was to the original poster using Tiger. I added the link toLeopard for those users.

As for your solution, when called up, none ofthe options are displayed, requiring you to remember exactly what youstored in it. The search window isn't ready for input and, while you canchange the search term, there isn't any way to add additional criteria.So, IMO, it's crippled, and saved searches aren't the answer.

Item.110648MacInTouch ReaderMy Leopard 10.5.8 Finder has one very annoying glitch.Icons for imagefiles saved on the Desktop begin reverting from the intended thumbnails ofthe image back to generic. (2009 iMac Core2Duo ).I really need to see thumbnails of the image, not generic icons. I leavemy Finder View Options set thus and so. 'Show Icon Preview' is alwayschecked.


(It's one of Leopard's better Finder improvements over Tiger Ido not use Cover Flow, though). I've read that Leopard stores Desktopinfo ( and associated icons I presume ) in three different systemlocations. Somewhere, a PReference or permission is getting scrambled.But why?Restarting the iMac or a cold reboot solves the problem - and Voila! -all the file icons previously displayed as generics suddenly have theirthumbnail image back.Of course, you can always use the Context Menu to 'Create Icon andPreview', but then a small 64 Kb JPEG balloons up to 500 Kb +Why this erratic Leopard Finder behavior?

Is this a bug or a feature? Isthere a permanent fix? Item.110650Matt NeuburgRe:As for your solution, when called up, none of the options are displayed,requiring you to remember exactly what you stored in it. The searchwindow isn't ready for input and, while you can change the search term,there isn't any way to add additional criteria.

So, IMO, it's crippled,and saved searches aren't the answer.To see and change the search criteria for a saved search, control-clickand choose Show Search Criteria. I usually summon the search this way,so that the search criteria are visible from the get-go. Item.110731Gregory TetraultMacInTouch Reader said:'My Leopard 10.5.8 Finder has one very annoying glitch. Icons for image files saved on the Desktop begin reverting from the intended thumbnails of the image back to generic. Restarting the iMac or a cold reboot solves the problem.' Something is wrong with your system, since the problem is not a widespread Leopard bug.

It's possible that DiskWarrior can fix the problem. More likely, you will need to reinstall OS X Leopard. The best approach is to do a full backup using a cloning utility such as SuperDuper! Or Carbon Copy Cloner, test the backup by booting from it, perform an erase and install of Leopard from the DVD, upgrade Leopard to 10.5.8, and then use Migration Assistant to move your files from the backup to the original hard drive. The second best approach is to perform a full backup and do an archive and install of Leopard.

Item.110750John BaltutisMatt Neuburgwrote:'Re: As for your solution, when called up, none of theoptions are displayed, requiring you to remember exactly what you storedin it. The search window isn't ready for input and, while you can changethe search term, there isn't any way to add additional criteria. So, IMO,it's crippled, and saved searches aren't the answer.' 'To see and change the search criteria for a saved search, control-clickand choose Show Search Criteria. I usually summon the search this way,so that the search criteria are visible from the get-go.' Another hidden feature: Control-click in a launched saved searchwindow and select Show Search Criteria from the contextual menu!

Howexactly do you 'summon' the search so that it opens with the searchcriteria displayed? Control-clicking on the saved search doesn't launchthe search window, so I'm not understanding what you're doing to'summon' the search. Item.111999Joe AdamsOn my MacBook (1st Generation) OSX 10.5.8 my Finder for my primaryidentity is broken. I cannot search. This does not happen on other userson the same machine, so it is apparently a corrupted file for the ID.Command-F freezes the open window. I can open another window, type in theSearch and it will search, but none of the options (such as File, Folder,Document, Image, Music, etc.) are available - it opens a new line forthose options, but nothing comes up.Do I need to delete preference files and if so, which ones? I reallywant to avoid migrating everything to a new user, and I haven't beenable to make my current ID available to the identities I've created.So.

Item.123361Richard BurgessHere's a problem that I was hoping someone might be able to explain. I'm a numismatist (among other things) and I rely very heavily on photos of coins from auction house web sites. I download the photos and add the auction house name, auction number, lot number, date, weight of coin, previous sales, and any other information in the box in the 'Spotlight Comments' in the Info window for each photo. I've been doing this for years. Now all of a sudden the 'comments' box only saves what can be added without scrolling down in the box.

If I go beyond the limits of the box (even though I can add the text to my heart's content and see it) and then close the window, all the comments disappear when I reopen the Info window. I have lost hundreds of comments that used to be there, but aren't any more. I'm using 10.5.8 and haven't updated in ages (so I don't think it was the jump to 10.5.8). Item.123383Gregory WestonRichard Burgess aks:'Now all of a sudden the 'comments' box only saves what can be added without scrolling down in the box. If I go beyond the limits of the box (even though I can add the text to my heart's content and see it) and then close the window, all the comments disappear when I reopen the Info window.

I have lost hundreds of comments that used to be there, but aren't any more. I'm using 10.5.8 and haven't updated in ages (so I don't think it was the jump to 10.5.8). The first thing I'd wonder is if the information is actually missing or if it's just not being displayed. I think the easiest way to check would be to open a terminal window, type 'mdls ' and then drag one of the files in question to the window and hit enter.

If the output shows the Finder comment (not on a Mac right now, so can't check) you can compare it to what Get Info shows and see if there's a discrepancy. Item.123400Gregory TetraultRichard Burgess said:'.

The 'comments' box only saves what can be added without scrolling down in the box. If I go beyond the limits of the box (even though I can add the text to my heart's content and see it) and then close the window, all the comments disappear when I reopen the Info window.'

That behavior is abnormal in OS X 10.5. You probably can solve the problem by reinstalling OS X 10.5 and then running the 10.5.8 combo updater and the latest 10.5.8 security update. If you have a full clone backup, then I recommend the erase and install option. Otherwise, I recommend the archive and install option. In either circumstance, use Migration Assistant after you've completed the updates (and not immediately after installing 10.5 from the DVD).It's possible that your Spotlight comments are intact but were not being displayed by the damaged OS. They may be visible after reinstalling OS X (if Murphy decided to give you a break and not cause an irreparable problem).

Item.123413Steven KleinRichard Burgess complains that parts of his comments are being lost.According to Apple's,'We limit the size of Finder Comments to 750 Unicode characters in length.' I'm running 10.6.4, and I've verified that I can, in fact, type (or paste) 750 characters into the comments box.I can close the window, reboot, re-open it, and all the content is still there.It only shows the first 3 lines, but there are scroll arrows on the right.

You can also click in the visible text, and press the down-arrow key to scroll down.Finally, you can click in the comment text, the press command-A (select all) and command-C (copy), then paste the text somewhere else. Item.123471Richard a fellow numismatist, I have recently begun to catalog coins I collected many years (30+) ago, but have not found a viable dedicated coin cataloging application or database for Mac OS. I've been using CoinManage 2011 for Windows under Parallels, but would really prefer a Mac OS X application and interface. Any pointers would be appreciated.I study and collect Roman coins and have never seen a Mac program that does what I want it to do. So for the coins I study I just have everything divided into folders and subfolders and then each photo is listed by the catalogue number (from RIC, The Roman Imperial Coinage) and a short form of the emperor's name.

Multiple specimens of single numbers get an additional letter and large groups get double letters: 2018a, 2018b.2018aa, 2018ab, 2018ac.2018ij, 2018ik, etc. For smaller groups that I have worked over carefully (and eventually for everything), I add numbers for obverse and reverse dies: o1r4-2020a, etc.My own collection just goes into a Word document with a photo and details from a template for each page. They are grouped by metal and are in chronological order. Very old school. I too would be pleased to learn of a Mac program, but one that would work for ancients.

The big interest is in American coins and that's what seems to be catered for. Item.123505Michael SchmittRichard Burgess complains that parts of his comments are being lost.OS X stores Finder Comments in the folder's hidden.DSStore file.

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