Createscripting.dictionary Exists For Mac

Createscripting.dictionary Exists For Mac 7,9/10 5308 reviews

Nothing happens except that all of the data is highlighted.Office is updated to the latest version.I unfortunately cannot post the workbook at the moment as I do not have the Mac with me. I will attempt to do so later.I suspect it may have something to do with the fact that Excel 2011 for Mac does not have all of the same properties listed in VBA as Excel 2010 (under Properties - Sheet1)?

It’s not dynamic, and can even refer to an item that doesn’t exist yet. For example, a save command may accept a file reference when saving to a new file. A file object is displayed as a colon-delimited path preceded by a file specifier, in the format shown in Listing 15-6. Open in Script Editor.

Unfortunately, I am not knowledgeable enough in VBA to know which properties are essentialand how they could be replicated in Excel 2011 for Mac when they don't show up.Thank you again for looking at the problem. From my testing and reading this command, regardless of platform (PC or Mac) or version (2007, 2010, 2011, or 2013) seems to be a rather flawed command.On Excel 2011 the only way I got it to work consistently (and by that I mean, remove all duplicate entries) was to set my target range at a single column. After that it didn't matter what I included in the Columns property. If I used: ActiveSheet.Range('B:B').RemoveDuplicatesthis worked fine.

If I added a Columns property it was ignored, whereas the Header property was not ignored.If I tried to expand the range to 'B:C' and there was a duplicate in 'B' but not in 'C'. The duplicate in column 'B' was not removed.From my online reading I see a very recent Office 2013 user saying they must enclose the Column Array in parenthesis. There is also a user post saying about the 2007 and 2013 version that the Column property is not optional. Some are saying things work andothers saying 'no' it doesn't.Buggy and weird on all platforms is my conclusion.

Richard V. Michaels Provides free AuthorTec add-ins for Mac & Win-Office. Site: Blog: The Remove Duplicates button on the Toolbar works as expected on the Mac - but when using it in VBA - the Columns parameter appears to be ignored.At first, I'm not familiar with Mac. But I have code to find duplicates that works with any version of Excel on Windows and AFAIK the collection object is also available on Mac.My Windows code needs the Scripting.Dictionary object, which isn't available on Mac, but you can download this file which is the replica of that object using collections.That file must be imported into the VBA editor!After that you can use the function below to get the duplicates. If the function returns a range, delete the entire rows, e.g.dim R as RangeSet R = FindDuplicates(Range('A1').CurrentRegion, etc.)if not R is Nothing then R.EntireRow.DeleteWould you please be so kindand test my code on your Mac and give me a feedback if it works?Andreas.Function FindDuplicates(ByVal Where As Range, Optional ByVal Columns, Optional ByVal Header As XlYesNoGuess = xlNo, Optional ByVal Count As Long = 2, Optional ByVal ExcludeFirst As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Range'Return a range with min.

Count duplicate rows of Where'Works similar as Range.RemoveDuplicates' Columns could be a single value or an array of values with:' If Header = xlYes Then' a heading: must be somewhere in the first row' Else' a column number: 1 to Where.Columns.Count' a column name: 'A' to 'IV' resp.

I need to check if a directory exists or not, within a shell script running on Linux or Unix-like system? How do I check if a directory exists in a shell script?
A directory is nothing but a location for storing files on the Linux system in a hierarchical format. For example, $HOME/Downloads/ would store all downloaded files or /tmp/ would store temporary files. This page shows how to see if a directory exists in Linux or Unix-like systems.

How to check if a directory exists in Linux

  1. One can check if a directory exists in a Linux shell script using the following syntax:
    [ -d '/path/dir/' ] && echo 'Directory /path/dir/ exists.'
  2. You can use ! to check if a directory does not exists on Unix:
    [ ! -d '/dir1/' ] && echo 'Directory /dir1/ DOES NOT exists.'

One can check if a directory exists in Linux script as follows:


Linux check if a directory exists and take some action

Here is a sample shell script to see if a folder exists or not in Linux:

Run it as follows:
./ /tmp/
./ /nixCraft

Check if directory exists in bash and if not create it

Here is a sample shell script to check if a directory doesn’t exist and create it as per our needs:

Make sure you always wrap shell variables such as $DIR in double quotes ('$DIR' to avoid any surprises in your shell scripts:

Using test command

One can use the test command to check file types and compare values. For example, see if FILE exists and is a directory. The syntax is:
test -d 'DIRECTORY' && echo 'Found/Exists' echo 'Does not exist'
The test command is same as [ conditional expression. Hence, you can use the following syntax too:
[ -d 'DIR' ] && echo 'yes' echo 'noop'

For Cox Email settings, see Email Server Settings. In the Incoming Mail Server section, enter the correct User Name, Password, and Host Name. In the Outgoing Mail Server section, enter the correct User Name, Password, and Host Name. Click OK to save your changes and then close the Accounts window. Test your changes by attempting to send yourself an email message. Manual Setup for COX.NET email account on your Apple iPhone. Step 1: Select the Settings icon on your home screen. Step 2: Select Mail. Step 3: Select Accounts. Step 4: Select Add Account. Step 5: Select Other from the menu. Cox net email settings for mac.

Createscripting.dictionary Exists For Mac

Getting help

Read bash shell man page by typing the following man command or visit online here:
man bash
help [
help [[
man test


This page explained various commands that can be used to check if a directory exists or not, within a shell script running on Linux or Unix-like systems.